Thursday, September 13, 2007

Cynthia McKinney, former US Congresswoman who was asked to consider a run for the White House by the US Green Party, has finished her whirlwind tour of London. To get her off to a proper start, a tub of hemp hearts (pictured right) awaited her in the fridge, which, along with hemp chocolate bars, kept her going strong (along with porridge and raisins).
Highlights of her tour include meeting Tony Juniper of Friends of the Earth on Thursday, 6 September, wearing an orange jump suit outside the US Embassy on Friday, talking at the Urban Green Fair on Sunday, and holding court at Friends House on Monday. Tuesday she flew off to Amsterdam.
At the end of her tour she decided to decline the Green Party nomination, as she was not able to get the running mate she wanted. They may have to take back Ralph Nader! And let's not mention his little back handed put options trading...
I bet the major parties are breathing a sigh of relief. 4 more years of BS in the US if either of them gets elected. There may be some scary time ahead, and chills ran up our spines on Monday when we heard that Barack Hussein Obama plans to pull the troops out of Iraq...and send them to Pakistan. Just when you thought Bush was bad. And since this will be a move on the part of the Democrats, protest might be completely futile.
I think America's only hope is that the citizens at this point storm the cockpit and turn the plane around. For that they will need their strength, so I recommend a high protein diet which includes hemp seeds (which are still illegal to grow in the Homeland, these came from Canada, which now cultivates 50,000 acres a year).

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