Monday, March 18, 2013

Missouri Senate Bill 358

Jefferson City, MO—A General Laws Committee hearing is set for March 26th at 3:00 pm and it will be held in SCR 1. Senate Bill 358 is on the schedule for this hearing.

Senator Jason Holsman (D—Kansas City) has sponsored this bill and its main goal to get Industrial Hemp reclassified as to allow Missouri farmers the right to farm Industrial Hemp.

This is a public hearing that allows for testimony in person or in writing if given ahead of time. For those interested in testifying at this hearing please contact

The following are the members of the General Laws Committee:

Steven Wilson of the Central Missouri Hemp Network said “Hearings like this give people a chance to voice their opinion outside of the ballot. Informed citizenry is what managed this country and it is how we can reclaim farm sovereignty and farm freedom. I encourage all who care about the working man to come out and tell the Senate what they think, either way. Citizen up or citizen down.”

For more information you may contact Jason Holsman at

For more information you may contact Steven Wilson at 573-416-0075


Carlos said...

Good to see yet another state taking action, I liked the post before this that gave a breakdown on all the states that have taken similar action. What has to happen along with all this is that the federal government must be on board, so I hope lots of you are signing the petition to the White House at

Mark Ski said...

That petition is great thing. That and lots of other things like it are already making a difference this year.

GOPbuster said...

This issue is where the GOP is starting to look a lot better - where are all the Dems on this?

Phil Telic said...

Dems are out to lunch, or like Schumer, trying to start a war with Russia. And where is the press?