Monday, May 13, 2013

Interview with Anndrea Hermann

The following is an interview with Anndrea Hermann, one of the most vocal supporters of hemp, involved quite a number of hemp projects including the Hemp Industries Association (president) and VOTEHEMP. She now resides in Canada, but continues to work extensively with US hemp projects.

Q: When did you first get involved with hemp? 
When I was younger I learned about Cannabis and during high school I started writing papers about it. When Jack released his book I got one right away. By the time I got into Univ at Missouri Southern State College my passion for hemp became a dream and now a realityJ

Q: What has the HIA been able to accomplish in the US?
HIA works closely with Vote Hemp to educate and facilitate change in the market place and in federal policy. HIA is kicking off the 4th annual Hemp History Week a national Education Campaign.

Q: Does it not surprise you a little that the issue is endorsed now more by the GOP
than by the Democrats?

Not really, this is a peoples crop and I guess the GOP get thatJ

Q: Does it ever seem that lefty groups which for years have surprisingly not shown any support
are now jumping on the bandwagon and posting about this issue - might it be that some of this
is simply opportunistic or Johnny-come-lately behaviour?

I just think that these groups needed time to learn more about hemp maybe they were unsure of it and needed others do it first. All that matters is that they are supporting it now.

Q: How does the pot issue affect the larger picture of industrial hemp for jobs and the environment?
In Canada we have a fully functioning hemp industry that is not impacted by the pot issue. I can see this happening in the USA also.

Q: What do you think about the current state of monocrop practice in the US, particularly in regards
to cotton, soy and corn, and might the practice monocrop sowing be part of the reason for the decimationof bees which we need to pollinate the crops?

Monocropping is not best management practices for any farm not matter the crop they are growing. I see a general turn away from this due to consumer demands and farmer realizing that being dependent upon chemical and other type inputs are not sustaining the farm or the health of the farm family.

Q: Do you think that there will be trouble if Colorado farmers exercise their right under state law to grow hemp?

There is also a risk of trouble when planting any type of Cannabis in the USA no matter what the state has to say about it. A point will be made and a farmer will end up making it. This is a farming issue at the foremost as without the support of the famer we do not have hemp farming.

Q: Should states challenge the federal government on this issue?

Q: Do you think it is constitutional that there is even  a federal ban on hemp?
The “ban” on hemp in the USA is unconstitutional. It is civil right and can be a matter of national security. 

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