Monday, February 26, 2007


Welcome to the Journal of Industrial Hemp. Robert Clarke, David Watson, Hayo van der Werf

The Effects of Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Morphology and Anatomy of Cannabis sativa "Fedrina" (Industrial Fibre Hemp) Grown in Northern British Columbia, Canada. Charlene Forrest, Jane P. Young

A Technical and Economic Feasibility Study of Green Decortication of Hemp Fibre for Textile Use. Sue Riddlestone, Emily Stott, Kim Blackburn, James Brighton

Hemp in the British Isles. Kenyon Gibson

Official Founding of the "European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA)" and Third International Hemp Conference. Michael Karus

Searching for Hempen Treasures-Field Indentification of Hemp Fibre in Markets, Museums and Private Collections. Robert C. Clarke

The Flow of Oil. Kenyon Gibson

Jahniella bohemica: A Rediscovered Species that Infests Hemp Stalks. John M. McPartland, Karl W. Hillig

Contents of the previous volume is posted to this site, use key word search to take you there instantly.

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