Monday, March 25, 2013

More obstrucion in Kentucky as Democrats add clauses to bill

The Democrats are at it again in Kentucky, sabotaging the opportunity to grow hemp and create jobs, possibly just because the GOP is backing it. That is why we need a Centrist Party in the US - these two parties are sucking the lifeblood out of everyone! And there does seem to be major opposition to this, for some reason, the most read post on this blog is a short one about starting just such a party. Is there that much interest in having a fresh, new party in the US, or are there that many intel agencies trying to prevent it - or both?

At any rate, the people suffer at the hands of both, this time the Democrats, who have not done much for hemp all these years, are to blame - and the overwhelming support for hemp in Kentucky is being disprespected by a handful. Janet Patton in the Herald Leader explains:

FRANKFORT — Supporters of legislation to license Kentucky farmers to grow hemp said the latest proposal by House Democratic leaders contains troubling provisions that could be deal-breakers.
A fourth version of the amendment proposed by House Majority Floor Leader Rocky Adkins, D-Sandy Hook, and Majority Caucus Chairwoman Sannie Overly, D-Paris, moves much of the oversight for hemp to the Kentucky State Police, who have opposed hemp production.
Earlier this month, Adkins attached such language to Senate Bill 50, and he and the bill's sponsor, Sen. Paul Hornback, R-Shelbyville, have been negotiating a potential compromise.
But that could be in jeopardy.
"The fourth draft of the House leadership amendment to SB 50 still hands way too many oversight powers to the KSP," said Tom Murphy, spokesman for Vote Hemp, a lobbying group that has monitored the legislation in Kentucky. "Why would one want to give such powers to KSP given their vehement opposition to hemp farming and their stated misinformation on the subject? ... SB 50 as is looks like the best way to go. It's well drafted and comparable with other states' legislation and laws."
Holly VonLuehrte, chief of staff for Agriculture Commissioner James Comer, said there also are concerns about unfunded mandates made to the University of Kentucky for research projects. The proposed language removes the hemp commission from the state Agriculture Department and attaches it to UK's research center.
Comer, who currently heads the hemp commission, would be become vice chairman.
VonLuehrte said Comer "is willing to step aside as chair, but is unwilling to accept punitive action toward the department or the hemp commission."
In a statement, Comer said: "We are chasing our tails with all these drafts. SB 50 is a simple bill and would pass easily. How much time and effort has been spent toward derailing this simple, very popular bill? And why?"
House Democratic leaders were meeting in caucus and not immediately available for comment, but House Speaker Greg Stumbo, D-Prestonsburg, said earlier that with Kentucky State Police involved, he is more inclined to support the bill.
"As long as the state police, the law enforcement community are satisfied, I think that goes a long way to satisfying a lot of the concerns that we have, people like I have," Stumbo said.
Hornback said earlier that he hoped to review the language by 4 p.m.

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